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Tag Archives: Open-Source Intrusion-Detection Tools for Linux

securing your name server

linux security

Don Marti Issue #78, October 2000 If you read nothing else this month, read Mick Bauer’s article about securing your name server. If you read nothing else this month, read Mick Bauer’s article about securing your name server (see page 92). Vulnerabilities in old versions of the name server software BIND are the number-one security problem on Linux systems. If ...

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Open-Source Intrusion-Detection Tools for Linux

Bobby S. Wen Issue #78, October 2000 Armed with Linux and open-source tools, you can even keep an ISP secure. As an ISP, we are the most vulnerable to attack because of the open nature of our networks. Unlike corporate networks, which can limit access, and can backtrack users, we have to continuously monitor for attacks and, more importantly, successful ...

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