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  • Linux India wrote a new post 1 year, 1 month ago

    It’s time to contribute to open source Nilesh Vaghela is an AWS community hero and founder, ElectroMech Corporation, a cloud and open source company. According to him, contributing to open […]

  • Ibrahim F. Haddad

    Issue #91, November 2001

    Ibrahim tests the performance of three open-source webservers on a typical Ericsson Research Linux clusterplatform.

    ARIES (Advanced Research […]

  • Best of Technical Support


    Issue #90, October 2001

    Our experts answer your technical questions.

    Really Big malloc()

    I would like to understand what the issues are that […]

  • Brian Gollsneider

    Mike Martin

    Issue #90, October 2001

    Using Linux and Samba for research on extremely small lasers called VCSELs.

    Linux and Samba recently answered the needs […]

  • Steve Jenkins

    Issue #90, October 2001

    Steve describes a typical aircraft experiment and the open-source software involved.

    Long ago, before the Open-Source Software (OSS) movement, […]

  • Best of Technical Support


    Issue #89, September 2001

    Our experts answer your questions.

    The Dreaded “LI” Problem

    I put a second IDE hard drive in my PC and ins […]

  • Eric Rescorla

    Issue #89, September 2001

    Do you have a burning need to build a simple web client and server pair? Here’s why OpenSSL is for you.

    The quickest and easiest way to secure a […]

  • David A. Bandel

    Issue #89, September 2001

    Using Netfilter and ipchains to increase security on home systems.

    For those of you who have taken the plunge and upgraded from kernel 2.2.X […]

  • Rob Beck

    Issue #89, September 2001

    If we do not wish to fight, we can prevent the enemy from engaging us even though the lines of our encampment be merely traced out on the ground. All we need do […]

  • Best of Technical Support


    Issue #88, August 2001

    Our experts answer your technical questions.

    Copying Old Tapes

    Before I came to my current job, the archive system […]

  • Bruce Momjian

    Issue #88, August 2001

    Tweak your hardware to get the most from this open-source database.

    PostgreSQL is an object-relational database developed on the Internet by a […]

  • Paul Barry

    Issue #88, August 2001

    Read the manual before turning your Mac over to Linux.

    I recently wrote about using Mac OS X as my main desktop OS (see “Mac OS X: First I […]

  • Richard Vernon

    Issue #88, August 2001

    With this month’s feature articles we cover both hardware and software.

    The topic “platforms” is almost as broad as “computers” because anythin […]

  • Best of Technical Support


    Issue #87, July 2001

    Our experts answer your technical questions.

    Tar over rsh

    I’m running a small private LAN with Linux Red Hat 7.0. The […]

  • Mitch Chapman

    Issue #87, July 2001

    Mitch shows how to use gnome-python’s libglade binding to build Python-based GUI applications with little manual coding.

    Glade is a GUI builder for […]

  • Ralph Krause

    Issue #87, July 2001

    Take advantage of the ability to track file versions, collaborate on projects and get back yesterday’s work.

    If you have downloaded software from the […]

  • Petr Sorfa

    Issue #87, July 2001

    Petr explains how programmers can prevent nasty program memory bugs.

    All programs use memory, even ones that do nothing. Memory misuse results in a good […]

  • Don Marti

    Issue #87, July 2001

    Have fun with these development tools, but don’t forget to take a break from coding and read something.

    Read more. I know it sounds like something you […]

  • Best of Technical Support


    Issue #86, June 2001

    Our experts answer your technical questions.

    PPP on a PCMCIA Modem

    My Dell arrived with factory-installed Red Hat 6.2, […]

  • John Biggs

    Issue #86, June 2001

    Linux found quick acceptance and a knowledgeable developer audience in Poland.

    Five minutes from the center of Warsaw and the city’s looming. A […]

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